If you are interested in either the Residential program or the Outpatient program at one of Alpha Home’s San Antonio addiction treatment center locations, you must first be screened to determine eligibility. You will be given an appointment time for a screening assessment. If you reach the voice message system, leave your name and telephone number, and an admissions counselor will return your call. Please understand we receive a high volume of calls and will return your call as soon as possible. You can also email a request to alpha@alphahome.org. If you are experiencing a crisis or need immediate assistance, please contact 911.
Get Help
How to Apply for Treatment
San Antonio Addiction Treatment Center Application

Residential Treatment for Women 18 Years or Older
To inquire about Residential Treatment (for women only), call the Alpha Home Admissions office at (210) 735-3822 (ext. 3011 or ext. 3023) or email alpha@alphahome.org to schedule an assessment.

Outpatient Treatment
To inquire about Outpatient Treatment (for women and men), call the Alpha Home Admissions office at (210) 735-3822 (ext. 3012) or email alpha@alphahome.org, to schedule an assessment. Walk-ins will be seen based on staff availability; it may be necessary to provide an appointment for a future day if staff is not available.

Get Help Now
Outpatient: 210-735-3822 (ext. 3012)
Or email a request to alpha@alphahome.org.
What to Expect
Alpha Home residential services are affordable, effective, and in high demand. While our goal is to admit you quickly into our residential program, please understand there may be a waiting period. If you are placed on a waitlist, our intake counselor will work with you and explain instructions to remain on our waitlist. Once you receive an appointment, you must attend your intake to retain your spot. Generally, admission into the Outpatient program is more immediate.
What to bring to treatment:
Click here to download a list of items you can bring.
Finances should never be a reason not to receive treatment.
Alpha Home accepts Medicaid and a variety of insurance plans. In addition, there is federal, state, and county-level funding available to aid in your recovery journey. Alpha Home’s intake staff will assist in providing a source of payment.
For payment assistance, please bring the following:
- Proof of Texas residency, such as a Texas driver’s license.
- An official document mailed to you at a Texas address.
- A letter from Child Protective Services certifying that you are a Texas resident or a lease agreement to a Texas residence with your name as a leaser.
- Proof of current monthly income for you and your spouse, if applicable (most recent paycheck stub or letter from employer, proof of government support, child support, SSI, SSDI, or other).
- Proof of insurance.